
Monday, October 14, 2013

Lumpy Pumpkin and Hartland: The Traditions Continue

You may remember our Lumpy Tree saga from last Christmas- both when we got it (click here) and when we found its lovely little gifts (click here). Well, today we found Lumpy Pumpkin at the pumpkin patch! I was decidedly more happy to find Lumpy Pumpkin than I was to find and accept Lumpy Tree into my Christmastime life.

It's Lumpy Pumpkin!
For many years now we've been going to Hartland Orchards to pick produce. Brian and I first went when we were dating to pick apples and have been going back ever since. Today was a beautiful day to go pumpkin' fetchin' after a solid week of rainy days. We took my brother and his girlfriend and hit the pumpkin patch and their fall festival. But before I share pictures from today I wanted to go look at some past pictures at Hartland. Here is one case where my picture organization pays off. Finding these pictures was easy!

apples at Hartland, 2005
Brian kicking a rotten apple off the hood of our jeep...
Hartland, 2006
Caramel apples at Hartland with my sis, 2007
Caramel apple at Hartland, 2008
The boys first visit to Hartland, 2010

pumpkin and nose pickin', 2010 
classic Clark-toss at Hartland, 2010
Hartland pumpkins, 2011
Hartland apples, 2011
raspberries at Hartland, 2012
Hartland peaches, 2012
strawberries at Hartland, 2012
apples and pumpkins at Hartland, 2012
Hartland blackberries and raspberries, 2013
Teddy Pumpkin makes it to Hartland, 2013
And some more pictures from today's visit...

Teddy photo-bombs a sweet picture of Kierra and her pumpkin.
Teddy's not really enjoying the pumpkin patch so much.
The boys jump off the giant chair
Teddy considers the concept of pumpkin picking in general.
Uncle A and the giant bouncy pillow!
Calvin buried in corn
Feeding goats
Teddy loved the hay ride.
Helpful signs in the corn maze

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