
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving's Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving!

In addition to Cal and Clark's thankfulness today, I thought I'd post some of my own. I am immensely thankful for so much in my life. I have been and continue to be blessed in so many ways that I can't even count them all, so I'm including only a few of the reasons to be grateful that I have recently been reminded of.
  • Cal's vision and health in his right eye. We had a huge scare last week that involved another exam under anesthesia and a located corneal ulcer, which could have caused him to go blind in as little as 24 hours. Thank God that we took him in when we did.
  • That my recent seizure came and went with none of the three kids getting hurt.
  •  My friends Aimee and Angela who stop everything to help me in my occasional helpless states. Aimee rushed over to watch the kids so I could take Clark to the ER after his rocking horse accident, and Angela took us all in to the doctor on Monday when Cal had his eye problem. She watched Clark for hours while I was with Cal.
  • My husband Brian for taking care of all of our family's many needs that involve driving and fetching and returning and hauling and waiting.
  • That my boys are old enough to do arts and crafts like this one from earlier this week. Also, few weeks ago they did a turkey handprint craft that took a long time and involved Clark claiming he was going to run away. I plan to cure his craft apathy. 
  • My readers!

Cal and Clark's Thanksgiving Day Thanks:

Cal: "[I'm thankful for] baths. You sometimes get out and get warm and dry and get clothes on."
Clark: "I'm thankful for trucks. I like to vacuum with them."

Handprint turkeys for Grandma and Papa. Notice Clark's ambiguous stare.

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