
Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Oatmeal Streak and Breakfast Week Survey

I've written about oatmeal on here before. The boys used to love it. I'd put raisins or peaches or bananas in it and they'd gobble it up and I'd prance around the kitchen feeling like a healthful, successful mother. Since that first entry last winter though, the boys have refused oatmeal. At one point this summer I employed EOD measures (extreme oatmeal discipline) and kind of lost to a teddy graham, but I suppose I also kind of won. You decide. So no oatmeal has been consumed by the stubborn eaters since then.

My friend Aimee had the brilliant idea to put sprinkles in oatmeal. Her son had also had a longtime break from oatmeal, but when she let him put sprinkles in it he gobbled it up. I tried it and it worked! For the past couple weeks the boys have eaten oatmeal quite a few times and cleaned up their entire bowls. Now for the past three days I've asked what they want for breakfast and they've requested oatmeal with sprinkles. Usually they request eggs and toast or pancakes. Sometimes they request odd things like candy or astronaut ice cream, or chicken nuggets or salmon.

Yummy green oatmeal?

So many sprinkle options! 
For your amusement and mine, I've decided to ask both of them what they want for breakfast each morning this week. I'm hoping I'll get some fun answers. Here are this morning's desires:

Clark, grinning: "I want eggs and toast!" Huh. Oatmeal streak is over. How normal of him.

Cal, jumping. "I want blue sauce with green this time and eggs!" Blue sauce is the special Daddy sauce that Brian makes for their chicken nuggets. It consists of Ranch dressing and blue food coloring. They adore it.

Okay, let me go get the eggs out... See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    Don't you just love sprinkles? They work miracles, don't they? My mom used to do this with me and my siblings on oatmeal and cream of wheat and we adored it.
    In continuing with my sneaky-healthy recipes I made pumpkin polenta today which was reminiscent of cream of wheat and added chocolate jimmies! Again devoured!
    So glad it is working for you too!
