
Sunday, May 5, 2013

4 Year-Olds' Sports Party

Since the boys are obsessed with sports, as I've written about here, we decided to have a sports birthday party for them. Last year it was astronauts and space robots they were obsessed with, but that phase is over and now every day is a sports day.

We borrowed sports equipment from several different friends, and set up Gammy and Poppy's yard and driveway with a baseball field, soccer field, basketball court, golf course, football field, and hockey rink. I asked everyone to wear jerseys for the occasion. We set up a popcorn machine and smoothie station on the deck, grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, and also had the sand table out which is always a big hit with the kids.

The past few years we've also had their birthday parties at Gammy and Poppy's house in their nice backyard and we had two beautiful days for the parties. Not so this year. About 45 minutes to an hour into the party it started raining. So we had somewhere around 60 people (half of them little people) all over in the house, with some brave ones still playing outside for awhile. It was disappointing, but obviously we knew the risk of planning such a party and we had to get over it.

I made baseball and football cupcakes for dessert. The boys and I had partially made two pinatas but I ran out of steam and never got them painted. That turned out fine actually, because doing a pinata in the house would have been a disaster, as would have been a soggy pinata outside. I got foam pennants and stickers for the kids to each decorate a pennant to take home. The favor bags were wrapped up like peanuts at a ball game.

Here are some pictures.
The boys helping put all the names on the pennants a few days before

My baseball and football cupcakes
Goodie bags wrapped like hot peanuts
Pennants to decorate
Just a ball player hydratin' 
Gammy the smoothie queen/popcorn machine runner
Brian decorated by hanging jerseys on the fences

Four year-old birthday ball players
More athlete brothers
Henry's first pennant
So THAT's where all the lady bug stickers went...
Alex was so excited to give the boys their gift...

It's more twin brother athletes! (upside-down)
My Baby Alex is growing up!
Santiago preferred to decorate the back of his, so...
Upside down and hidden Oliver

Clark photo-bombs Sonja's delightful pennant picture.
Pretty Rebecca

Some sports snuggling with Aunt Julie
That's an intense hockey player with Uncle A
Another set of helmets to add to the collection...
Capitals bobbleheads and other Caps gear from Gammy and Poppy
They'll even get to ice skate at the Caps practice facility!
From what I've heard, even though much of the party ended up being inside,
the kids still had enough fun to be completely wiped out.

We've spent the last week enjoying all kinds of new toys from our kind friends and family. Here is some documentation of the fun the boys have had with their new things.

Thanks to Grandma, Papa, Great Grandma, and Cowboy Grandpa,
these boys have scooters, helmets, pads, and ferocity. 
They LOVE their umbrellas from Alex! We had three rainy days to try them out.
Radio-controlled cars from cousins have been motoring
all over the house. Soon we'll try them out in water, too!
Golf gear and an inside putting hole have been a big hit.
A soccer ball to decorate, awesome place-mat doodle pads, art supplies...
Today they got to try out the golf shirts and hats.
Yep, they work
They tried out the scooters and new caped superhero shirts.
Alex tended to Clark's boo-boo. Shouldn't have taken the helmet off...
The radio control also works as a tool for knee surgery on RG3.
We are so blessed by our family and friends who helped make the party fun and the birthday special for the boys. Thank you. They are constantly telling everyone that they are now four years old. Brian and I cannot believe it! These years are going so quickly.

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