
Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Person With No Mouth

Just a quick note about something Cal said today that we don't want to forget.

The boys recently graduated from car seats to booster seats. (Hallelujah chorus) This makes going out in the car about a million times easier. We went all out and bought the seats with cup holders. Ha. I think most of them have cup holders, but the boys think they're the greatest things ever. One booster is purple and the other booster is gray. I guess they both wanted purple at the store, but there was only one purple. This means that the more desirable place to sit is always in the purple seat.

On the way to Cousin Finley's 3rd birthday party today, Clark got the purple seat. Cal was promised the purple seat on the way home. Her birthday party was a tea party and so I pulled out my floppy tea party hat and dressed the boys in ties. I told Brian that since he can't give me any girls, I'm going to dress up these boys as long as they'll let me. A tea party is a perfect excuse for them to be my dolls. Besides, they love being handsome.

All dressed up for the tea party

So after the adorable tea party we were driving home with Cal happily in the purple booster. But Clark was raining on his parade. He kept smugly telling Cal that the booster Cal was sitting in "actually isn't purple, it's white." This was infuriating Cal, who kept telling him he was lying to him. Suddenly Cal lifted his hands to the ceiling of the car and dramatically yelled,

"God! Send me a person with no mouth! Take my brother's mouth away!" Brian almost lost control of the car, we were laughing so hard at him.

We were thinking of sending them to a science day camp this summer, but I'm thinking maybe Cal should go to a performing arts camp.

Bonus tea party pictures:

For some reason Cal ate his cupcake with no hands- just his mouth,
nose, forehead, shirt, tie, and vest
Birthday Princess and her cupcakes

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