
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baby Peapod is...

Okay, this is kind of weird, but I wanted a fun/unusual way to blog-reveal our little Peapod's sex. Here it is. Pretend it's normal?

Meet Boy and Girl
Boy and Girl- FIGHT!  Whoever wins represents Peapod.
Boy takes out girl...
Oh, but now Girl goes in for the kill!
AH! I don't even know what's happening!
Who's going to win?
Here they go again...

And the winner is...

I foresee a lot more football, baseball, and hockey games, astronauts, cars, and a whole lot more poop and throw-up discussions. Bring it on?


  1. This is a super cute post! Congrats! Three boys! Lots more rough housing to come at your house!

    1. Thanks, Emily. It was pretty fun to do. The boys like any excuse to wrestle and make crazy faces. Yes, much more roughhousing. Our poor downstairs neighbor...

  2. Congratulations! That's a lot of testosterone. :) Yay for being able to reuse the clothes you already have! Very cute reveal, by the way. I read about a woman who brought a Woody sticker, a Dora sticker, and an envelope to her ultrasound and had the tech put the gender appropriate sticker in the envelope. When she and her husband got home, they let their toddler open the envelope and announce whether she was having a brother or a sister. I love the idea of having the kids be part of it!
