
Monday, November 5, 2012

Epilepsy Awareness Month

November is International Epilepsy Awarness Month, and since my life is affected because of having epilepsy, I thought I'd spend some time this month reading other people's stories and other articles I find, and sharing some of them here. On the Epilepsy Foundation of America's Facebook page I found links to blogs with stories that just make my heart ache. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to have a child who has seizures at all, let alone one who has multiple seizures each day for years and years. But there are so many cases like this.

While reading them, one blog stood out to me. It's called Calvin's Story. Of course it stood out to me initially because I have a son named Calvin who also wears glasses. This Calvin's case is so extreme, and his mom is so honest and strong in her writing and so active in trying to rally support and raise awareness to someday find a cure for this mysterious condition called epilepsy. She has a page called Calvin's Cure with a link for epilepsy research donations to be made in Calvin's name.

Click on the link above to read some of her blog, and get a sense of her story.

A couple other things I've come across this week and shared on Facebook are this article about the keto diet being effective, especially in children, and this short interview with the University of Minnesota's coach who had a seizure during a game in front of thousands.

I am thankful that I am able to live such a normal life, even with epilepsy. I pray that someday soon there will be a breakthrough in research that can help these people whose lives are so painful and limited.

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