
Thursday, August 16, 2012

An End of Summer Picking

I have this blogging and journaling problem: if a lot has happened since my last post I have a hard time writing because I feel that I have to catch readers up on everything in neatly organized, chronological order. Then I just stop writing and cramp up. Oh well. Order be damned. Here's a short photo story from today.

We went raspberry and peach picking at our favorite spot for such adventures: Hartland Orchards.

Brian goes back to work next week so we're savoring the last few days of our fun summer.

Awesome day. Good kids. Delicious fruits. Lovely weather.

Distinguishing between ripe and not-quite ripe

Cal: "I loved this place when I was a four year-old girl."

Clark: "Now I'm going to pick with my friend Daddy."

Clark's friend Daddy

On to the peach orchard

Is it ripe?

Peach tree scouting

Picking with Dad and the giant picker

A good peach harvest

Quick, while Dad's not looking...

Squishing peaches

The only way to cut up peaches

Our raspberry jam!

Soon-to-be peach jam

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