
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ohio is Big

Just checking in from a certain welcoming home in Indianapolis. Day two of our westward expansion is over. I have a review to write for the spectacular Young’s Jersey Dairy that we visited today in Ohio, but for now a few travel highlights is all I have the energy to produce. The review will shock you with its awesomeness soon enough. Today we made our way from the bridges and tunnels of Pittsburgh to the tree-lined neighborhoods of Indianapolis. We learned, among other things, that Ohio is big.

Quote of the day: “My bottom is just freaking out.” –Clark describing to us why he needed to get out of the car. (I should note that this was not due to anything in his diaper, just general sitting soreness.)

The freaker-outer

Artistic moment of the day: Cal drew his first ceiling fan on Margo’s driveway

All by himself!
First of the day: The boys finally took a nap in the car!

First car nap of the trip


  1. My bottom freaked out the last time I drove the entire width of Ohio, too. Did they like the giant double trailer trucks on I-80 as much as Daddy did while he was trying to pass them?

  2. Cal is incredible, what an amazing ceiling fan!
