
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Chevy Tour of Nats Park

I love baseball. And I have to say it: I love the Nationals. This season they got off to a great start and though they’ve had some injures that have hurt their offense, they’re an exciting team with a lot of new talent. (They had a walk-off home run last night!) We went to the first night game this year and loved it. Last week we got to tour Nationals Park thanks to a campaign by local Chevy dealers for Chevy Youth Baseball. They are organizing weekly free tickets and a free clinic to a local youth league that gets the most votes.

The fam at our first game
They invited some local bloggers whose readers are primarily parents of young children, and I was among them! I admit I was skeptical at first,with the word sweepstakes being thrown around haphazardly, but thought if they wanted to give me a free private tour of Nats Park, I’d take it. Besides, I’ve been wanting to build a Reston section on my blog, and what a great way to get to know Reston Little League directors than by helping them with votes to win a free clinic with Nationals’ all-star third baseman Ryan Zimmerman! Each day anyone can log on and vote for their favorite local league to win the clinic. Help promote kids' baseball in the area? Yes, please.

First they fed us well with baseball-y food, had crafts for the kids, told us about the promotion, and gave out door prizes. The boys won hats! The tour was great, even though it was cold and a bit rainy. I also brought my camera without a memory card, which was classic Dawn, so I took pictures on my decidedly unimpressive phone. We got to walk on the field, sit in the dugout, see all the super expensive suites and seats, and even throw some pitches in the bullpen! I got to meet some women I had met online through blogging but never actually seen, so that was cool. Afterward I was all amped up about helping get votes for Reston Little League, (Who nearly made it to the Little League World Series last year!) so I contacted the president who was nice and invited me to call him.

There was a glitch with Chevy’s contest web page the first day, so I couldn’t actually look at the leagues involved. The next day when it started working, I found that Reston Little League isn’t even involved because we’re not near a Chevy dealer. Blerg! Anyway, I made a contact with the president of Reston Little League, who is super nice, and the connection might be helpful down the road somehow.

So, local readers, go vote for your local youth league to win free tickets and the grand prize of the Ryan Zimmerman clinic for your entire league! Everyone else, look at my sub-par pictures.

Cold bloggers and kids get ready for the tour (Chevy product placement)

Here is the highest part of the park-- where the writers sit

$300 seats with all-you-can-eat buffet and open bar

The real dugout where "Jason Werf sits!(Clark's obsessed)

On the field with Uncle A

Lining up to throw in the bullpen (Yes, I did throw with the kids)

Clark pitches-- a wicked slider, low and inside
Checking out the bullpen home plate

I agree

Warm metro ride home

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