
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Breakfast Survey and Museum Trip

This morning we got up and I tried to get the boys to quickly get ready to catch the bus to go to the Natural History Museum. I recommend never trying to get two year-olds to do anything quickly because in the end all it will make you want to do is punch the wall and maybe bite something. They don't know how and the more aggravated you get the funnier they think you are. Just pour another cup of coffee and get over it. You'll be late.  It's not like the stuffed mammals in the exhibits were going to complain about the time we arrived.

I almost forgot to ask the boys what they wanted for breakfast. I already had two cinnamon raisin bagels ready to hand them since we were "in a hurry." Sprinkles and oatmeal did not fit into my plan for the day.

Me: "What do you want for breakfast this morning?"

Cal: "I want oatmeal, I guess."

Clark: "I want a bagel. A purple bagel!"

Sorry kids. Here are your boring brown bagels. Now hop in the stroller and let's do this thing.

I wrote about our trip with Uncle A to the museum here on a Northern Virginia Moms website, complete with more pictures. Here's a delightful sampling:

Looking for butterflies in the museum's butterfly pavilion

"These caterpillars are huge, Mommy!"
Giant Brown Bear and Giant Uncle A

The boys' favorite mode of transportation: Uncle A's pushin'

Burgers at Ollie's Trolley

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