
Saturday, December 21, 2019

This is 40, Installment 1

I turn 40 in March 2020. I'm beginning the countdown today. I've decided I will deal with this shocking news by recording things that happen to me, things I do, and things I overhear that make me feel 40. Or at least that make me speculate on my age and mortality and the human plight in general. Perhaps viewing this impending milestone with humor will make it more palatable. It's not as if using humor as a defense mechanism is foreign to me.

First up: Yesterday one of my 11th graders announced to the class that I seemed like the type of person who would cook casseroles.

This is 40.

He was trying to explain what a casserole was to one of his classmates, and apparently I am casserole age.

Bring it on.

I looked up from my book to see this last night. #beingted


  1. You make me laugh, Dawn! I miss you! Maybe I'll send you a casserole recipe book for your birthday!

  2. Here in Minnesota we call them 'Hot Dishes'. If you run out of recipes I've got several! Forty only hurts for a little while, then you move on. 😊
