
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Beginning Kindergarten Series, Day 4

Last day of the first week! Everything went smoothly, minus the small morning meltdown over the stained shark shirt that could not be worn to school due to its huge stains. When I picked them up this afternoon, they were both crooning about how much they love school. They were yelling goodbye to new friends as we walked away from the school and stopping to go high-five them. They brought home coloring and writing they worked on this week and for the first time I didn't pack too much in their lunch boxes.

Clark: "Today was the best day. See, it went like this: The first day was ok, the second day was good, the third day was weird, and today was weird but the greatest ever."

Cal: "I love music the best. Our class sings the best, even me and Clark."

Here they're just bein' weird at the open house before they knew that school was fun.

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