
Monday, September 1, 2014

Beginning Kindergarten Series, the Prequel

In order to help me cope with this first week of kindergarten, I'm going to do a few days of questions and comments and stories from the week. To start it off, I asked the boys a few questions about their expectations.

What do you think you will like about kindergarten?

Calvin: "I'll like to play, eat lunch, start off with easy math and then get to hard math."

Clark: "I'll like eating lunch, playing, snack time, and cutting stuff up into mountains of shreds with scissors. Will there be any tape?"

Are you excited?

Clark: "Um. Yeah."

Calvin: "Yeah."

Okay. Not very verbose, but I bet they'll have more to say over the next couple days. I'm going to try to hold myself together and not cry until the walk home. Maybe I'll wear sunglasses and pretend to be aloof and unaffected. Oh, my babies.

Let's do this thing.

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