
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Catching Up is Hard to Do: Our Months in Pictures

So many fun (and some not fun) things have happened that I haven't written about. So, instead of writing about them in any kind of  detail, I'm posting some pictures and captions for posterity and moving on with my life. Here are some things we've done lately.

Highlights: My parents visited from Idaho in October and Aunt Bean (my sister Crystal) is visiting from Ecuador on her way back to Idaho. Blastball (pre-T-ball) ended, basketball class ended, hockey is in full swing- the boys skating is improving by leaps and bounds. Thanksgiving went well-- here and in Richmond. We got two new nieces! Teddy has started jumping and eating solid food.

Cal became a farmer at Cox Farms' fall festival.,
Teddy fell asleep on Papa at Cox Farms
The boys are going strong with hockey-
so much so that Clark does push-ups to get ready.
How often will this happen? All three boys with all four grandparents
at the last Blastball game of the season
Teddy's cheeks getting some quality Uncle A time
We threw together an early Thanksgiving dinner with relatives
from the area...however for this picture we missed four of them...
We named it Thankstoberfest.
We lazily abandoned our Halloween plans of making the boys into a refrigerator
and a toilet (their requests) for Halloween and instead got horrible fake teeth,
fake blood and fake scars and put them in their hockey gear-- mean
hockey players who escaped the penalty box!
This was Teddy's first time meeting Papa!
Mom and Dad took the boys to Toys R Us for early Christmas
presents, including this hockey game that is ALWAYS in use.
Plenty of piggy-back ridin'
Conducted experiments and made art
with Halloween candy
Aunt Bean came to town!
Cal, Clark, and Teddy got two new cousins in November!
Here is little Clara at Thanksgiving dinner. We will
meet little Ivy after Christmas.
We went to Richmond for  our traditional day after Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving dinner.
Uncle Pierre made wooden swords...yaaaay...
Did some skating at the downtown Richmond rink
Uncle Pierre found a hockey player.
Aunt Bean brought a hat from Peru for Teddy.
...and Ecuador soccer jerseys for Cal and Clark
Morning coffee/hot chocolate with Aunt Bean
Football with Aunt Bean
Some hardcore Candyland complete with a little trash talk
Decorating the living room wall with Spidermen? Thanks, Bean.
I got a picture of all three boys smiling.
A superhero and a cowboy took a nap at my  house.
Teddy got a Jumparoo!
We had a striped pajamas party.
Teddy had his first solid food. He only likes applesauce and pumpkin pie.
Brian took Cal and Clark in full hockey gear and Teddy grocery shopping.
Teddy met fire. And liked it.
Aunt Bean tie-dyed shirts with Cal and Clark.
Only a little dye strayed from the shirts...
Final products!
Teddy went on the bus and metro for the first time.
He is ambivalent about them and declines comment.
Did some museuming and Christmas tree-looking downtown with Aunt Bean
Theodore Crosson, concerned citizen, took his
concerns to Congress.
He is optimistic that his concerns will be addressed.
And his hair is also excited about having done
its civic duty.
One Monday Teddy woke up frumpy.
That about sums up October, November, and the first four days of December. Next time I'll actually write some words. Maybe.

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