
Monday, March 25, 2013

Snowy Spring Break Giveaway

It's March 25th-- first day of spring break-- and we woke up to about 3-4 inches of snow. It's amazing how beautiful and exciting the snow was a few weeks ago, but how insulting it is now that it's spring. And spring break, nonetheless. We were supposed to leave for the North Carolina beach yesterday but put it on hold in part because of the weather. I think we may postpone for another day now...

Anyway, it's a good morning to do a few Playseum giveaways. It looks like spring break this year will be spent primarily indoors. The Playseum is an awesome sponsor of this blog. I'll give away three sets of two passes to the Playseum. Leave a comment below and make sure you've liked my Facebook page to enter. I'll do a drawing around noon or one o'clock today so I can send out the passes in the mail this afternoon and the winners can use their passes this week!

Don't know what the Playseum is? Here's their website. My boys and I love the place. It has two locations- in DC by Eastern Market right by the metro stop, and in Bethesda.

Some readers have been having problems entering a comment here. If you're having a problem, just leave a comment on my Facebook page and I'll enter you.


  1. I would love to take my active little monkey to the playseum! Thanks for the opportunity!

  2. Jessica Cushman

    Sarah Davis Robbins

    Beth Zodun Creech

  3. Great giveaway! We've only been once, but we loved it!

  4. I know Will would love it! Thanks for the opportunity!!

    1. JC, you're one of the winners! Can you send me your address so I can get the passes in the mail today?


  5. Laura Loughlin

    Maressa Thompson Gager

    Rajalakshmi Axelsen
