
Monday, February 4, 2013

A Nesty Day

I've been nesting today. Yesterday we went over to my in-law's house and got all the newborn things down from their attic. Maybe we're a little early, but oh well. We've had the closet at our house nearly empty and ready for a baby for months. is full.

closet, above wardrobe
I have one, stuffed-full drawer that contains only bibs and burp cloths. I assure you this was necessary for the twins, but if Peapod himself needs this much fabric to soak up just his upper body juices, we have a huge problem.
upper body juices drawer
I set aside the onesies with the cute little twinsy-saying on them. Like Thing 1 and Thing 2 and My Twin Did It and I'm with Yin, I'm with Yang, etc. We will most likely not need two mobiles or two exersaucers or two newborn boppy loungers or 35 bottles, or numerous sets of identical newborn-size shoes, and I would really love it if I never have to use that breast pump ever again, but other than that, we'll probably be able to use it all! This dude will be the cheapest kid ever.

The boys were on their own all morning while I got nesty. At first they loved playing with the rattles and puffy toys with weird sounds and pretending the mobiles were spiders (whose bites can only be cured with chocolate medicine). They "tried on" the microscopic socks and undid most everything I did. After awhile they started playing Mommy and Baby and pretending to feed and care for each other. Their real mom didn't care, after all. I didn't notice where they went after that. I'm not really sure if Cal ever got dressed today, now that I think about it.

I knew by the loud giggles and belly laughter that they were enjoying taking pictures with my camera, but I didn't realize until now how many pictures they took, and of what stunning quality. Observe their best art:

Anyway, I'm all nested up. Now I only have...oh, that's right, until July before we get to hold little Mr. Peapod. He has a lot of growing left.

Tonight Cal said, "Sometimes I just like to peek in Peapod's closet."

Me too, Cal.

Addendum: I decided to put my name in the Circle of Mom's contest for the Top 25 Funny Mom Blogs. I'm under no delusion that I will even place, (I think I'm currently hovering around #165) but they do an up-and-coming blog version of the award, from what I've gathered, that maybe I have a shot for, because I don't know how they determine it. Who knows. You can vote for Whispers & Shouts once every 24 hours until next Thursday-- Valentine's Day. Or not, if you think I'm stupid. Geez.

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