
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Christmas Sweatshop Yields

I thought I'd get all Pinteresty and post some pictures of the homemade Christmas gifts we made this year. I'm lucky the boys love arts and crafts, because otherwise I'm not sure what I would have done for gifts. Brian said I was running a sweatshop out of our house. Which is actually kind of true...

Our biggest project was aprons. We decorated aprons for friends and family. I outlined words and shapes and the boys colored them in. We usually didn't do more than one a day, but the boys loved it (Except for when they didn't, which was when the sweatshop rules were enforced. Ha.) We got fabric markers and aprons at Michael's. Here are some pictures.

Another project was making gift bags for all the gifts we gave. Blank white bags at Michael's, crayons, tissue paper at Walmart:

I also decorated some wine glasses as gifts. The idea was for the boys to decorate them (as is the nature of sweatshops), but that didn't go too well so I ended up doing them. They were okay, but not worth the time and expense of the glass paint and markers.


  1. Great ideas! I love the idea of decorating plain white bags. It's so personal, and it means I can Freecycle all of those used gift bags that just take up space in my too-small condo closet. Annaleigh's just starting to get excited about crayons, so hopefully it will be a fun activity for us next year!

    1. Freecycle! Yes, for us it was fun and easy. They liked doing the trees especially because they could then decorate their trees with "ornaments." (crayon-dots)
