
Monday, November 26, 2012

A Belated Thanks

I've been slacking here on the blog front. Last year during Thanksgiving week I asked the boys every day what they were thankful for and their answers were amusing and cute. This Thanksgiving week we spent much of the time making our turkey placemats, which turned out great, despite way too many trips to Office Depot. We used them at our Thursday Thanksgiving dinner, our Friday Thanksgiving dinner, and I sent some to my parents and grandparents for their dinner. On Thanksgiving day I did manage to write down some of the things the boys said they were thankful for. Here they are, though I'm warning you that they were not in very serious moods when I asked them.


I'm thankful for teeth. I like them.
I'm thankful for funny things that make me go into space.
I'm thankful for you, Mom.


I'm thankful for toilet paper.
I'm thankful for computers.
I love books.

On Thursday we spent the day with Brian's relatives at his parents' house here. It is so nice to have them close to us! We had a yummy dinner and good backyard cousin playtime. The Redskins even won. Weird. Then Black Friday morning we drove down a traffic-less I-95 to my aunt and uncle's house in Richmond for our traditional second Thanksgiving dinner with them, my brother and his girlfriend and my cousin. Delicious. Saturday we spent most of the day at the Children's Museum of Richmond, which I strongly urge everyone with kids to visit. It's a great place at a bargain price. (Here is my review.) For kids who love to pretend, like ours do, you can't beat it.

It's been a nice Thanksgiving season. I am thankful for everything in my life, with the exception of that sink full of dishes and the less than clean kitchen floor.

Classic Clark Surprised Face- in the Richmond garden

Now where did that head go?

Waitin' for turkey with Uncle A

Making orange chocolate chip breakfast scones

Riding a dinosaur at the museum

Playing store with Aunt Anne

First-ever carousel ride! No idea why Clark wanted to ride the freakish bunny.

Dressing up in the theater

My little thespian

Putting on a puppet show. Spoiler: after the lion eats the bear,
the bear somehow comes back and eats the lion.

Art room!

Goofy grocery store employees

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