
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

We Have Liftoff!

Okay. The journey is underway. We took all morning and some of the afternoon to pack and clean, but finally got out the door and on the road to Pittsburgh around 3pm. We had gone maybe an hour when "Are we almost to Gramma and Papa's?!" started. Thanks to Sid the Science Kid, some road trip bingo cards and some dry erase crayon boards, the four hours were over rather quickly. It helps that it's a beautiful drive and a beautiful day. Cal had his first experience in what seemed to be car sickness, but thankfully it didn’t result in anything that needed to be cleaned up. Just some groaning and mild wailing, but it passed. Tonight we’re staying at our friends’ house in Pittsburgh. They made us a lovely dinner and then the boys hospitably told them that they wanted to go home. “We just want to go home. We don’t want to sleep here.” Sorry guys. We won’t be home for six weeks.

All packed up and ready to roll!

Bug face crayon-scribbler

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