
Sunday, March 11, 2012

St. Patty's Day Cookies Giveaway!

I love St. Patrick's Day. I admit that it's mostly because it's my birthday and it always feels like everyone is celebrating with me as they raise their foaming glasses of green Guinness and "Kiss Me I'm Irish" or "Kiss Me I think I Might be Irish" pins. I think it's also why my favorite color is green, actually. Oh, and Saint Patrick was a pretty okay saint as well. I've found two four-leaf clovers in my life, so that's amazing. It's not like I comb through pastures of clover, it's just that, well, clearly luck is with me.

In honor of St. Patrick's Day and of my birthday and of cookies and of finding a cool gal with a bakeshop, I am hosting a giveaway this week for some green yummy cookies from Jessica at J & J Bakeshop. J & J Bakeshop is a home-based bakery in Centreville specializing in hand-decorated sugar cookies. I first met the cookies when I went to the NOVA Live blog and charity event last month. I wrote about and photographed one cookie, in fact. I really liked it. (And so should you) Here they are:

She's going to donate a dozen of these green cookies to the lucky(!) winner:

The giveaway starts now and will go through Wednesday evening. She will send them in the mail on Thursday so they should arrive at any local location by Friday, and to some farther away locations by Saturday-- the lucky day. All you need to do is like Whispers & Shouts on Facebook (or just below here on the right) and post a comment below. It would also be awesome if you became a Follower if you aren't already. 

To put you in a green, festive mood, here are some pictures of the boys from their first two St. Patrick's Days and from an early birthday party my in-laws threw me tonight. And so begins preparation for their third St. Patty' Day!

Now go win some cookies!


  1. My name is Sarah, and Jessica was my roommate our freshman year of college! She is indeed a cool gal, and I am so excited about her bakeshop. : ) I am going to a St. Patrick's Day dinner party Saturday night, and would love to be able to win these cookies and share them with friends at the party! Happy early birthday to you!!

  2. Cookie giveaway? Of course I'm going to comment! I love cookies, and I love you blog! Plus you're really fun, and your boys are super cute! Thanks for entertaining me weekly! :)

  3. I also totally love cookies and your blog! Thanks :o)

  4. I ole your blog and am a big fan on Facebook. Those cookies would be gone within a day in this house!

    1. Stacey! You won! Send me your address so Jessica can get the cookies out tomorrow. I'm going to post some pics of the boys doing the drawing.

  5. Hi Sarah! I'm glad you're still friends with your freshman college roommate. That's cool. My first freshman roommate always made fish sticks in our room, which strained our relationship a bit but then I moved in with another girl and we're still good friends. Carlottamarie, Angie, and Stacey...I'm glad you like my blog! Keep reading. I wish you could all win cookies!

  6. Cookies = first love. Well, okay, third I suppose, after Mike and Chloe. ;)

  7. Can those yummy cookies be shipped to Boston? I didn't want to enter since I'm so far away, but of it's not a requirement to be close, count me in!
    Hugs your way!

    1. Judith, yes, I think they would be fine going up to Boston. Though I'll check with Jessica...and on a related note, thank you for the Is Santa Coming response. I kept starting to write responses in my head but I never got any written down. It definitely provided more food for thought.

  8. I liked you on FB. Thanks for the giveaway.

  9. Liked you on FB (thought I already had!)...I love your pics of the boys in their St. Patty's Day outfits!! Please enter me in your giveaway...I'm enjoying your posts a lot! :)

  10. I like you on FB. Great giveaway!

  11. Dawn, you're awesome. I love cookies.

  12. Stacey is the big winner! Your cookies will be in the mail in a few hours. Thanks for entering everyone!
