
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How the Swagger Bag Pushed Me Off the Wagon

I haven’t been eating wheat for a few weeks and I’ve been enjoying it—especially the facts that I’ve lost some weight and feel better in general. Last night I went to cool bloggy networking and charity event that I am fortunate to have been invited to. It was held at a women’s consignment store containing more shoes than I’ve ever seen in a second hand store. There were a bunch of great giveaways (I won a free family photo session!) and representatives from local magazines and a vineyard and AT&T were all there to rub shoulders with some of us local mom bloggers and other local parenting website owners and reps as we were rubbing shoulders with each other. (This sounds much more spa-like than it was.) 

I knew there would be desserts and that they would most likely have wheat in them, but I had decided I’d let myself cheat a little. I had a nibble of an adorable mini chocolate muffin and immediately felt guilty, so I didn’t eat the rest of it. I had a great time and met some people I know I’ll be in touch with for a long time. Micaela and Andrea (a.k.a. SuperNovaMommy and Real Housewives of Northern Virginia) did an amazing job coordinating the event. I was proud that I was leaving without having eaten more than one wheat-y nibble. I took my innocent-looking swagger bag that the early-registered guests got to take home and swaggered out the door with my friend Nikki. 

Then I got home. In the bag there were, among many other surprises, a couple cookies from local bakeries. I helped Brian get the boys in bed and sat down at my computer. A bag of some of the cute little cookies was right within eyesight. I think they may have even moved themselves, because I don’t remember putting them there. I’d already decided I could cheat tonight, right? And I hardly did, right? ALSO! It was Fat Tuesday! I needed no more convincing. There were five little cookies in the bag. I opened it and enjoyed one. It was done extremely quickly and before I knew what I was doing, I had eaten all five delicious white bombs. There. I said it. I ate them all and loved it. And it’s all the swagger bag’s fault. 

My favorite cookie of the night-- and one I did not devour (yet)


  1. Also guilty of cookie chowing...oops! So nice to meet you last night!

    1. You too! We should go on a field trip together sometime. :)

  2. It was so cool to see you there!! I still want to figure out a guest post!!

    Keep being awesome :)

    1. Yes, I still want to do one, Kristina! Let me know what you want me to do and when. I'd love to link up.

  3. Dawn, I'm so glad I got to meet you in person at NOVA Live last night! And I'm glad you had your cookies and got to eat them too :). I devoured mine as well!

    1. Me too, Laura! What a fun experience. Glad to know I'm not the only one who wolfed down cookies. :)
