
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Another Post About Ceiling Fans

The ceiling fan obsession is still going strong with the boys. It seems like it should fizzle out any day, but it’s not. They remember people based on their houses and the number and location of the fans.

Scratchy and Smoochie live it up.
On our Virginia Beach trip they could not hold back their elation at the seven ceiling fans at their cousins’ house. There was even one in the room we stayed in! They ran back and forth between the office and living room fans and the bedroom fans upstairs. Now, a month later, they are still talking about the colors and sizes of the fans and their locations. When we mention their aunt or cousins, they immediately say, “Have ceiling fans!” The best part about that trip was that even though they left Scratchy Cat and Smoochie Bear on accident, their aunt took pictures of the adventures Scratchy and Smoochie had riding her ceiling fans before they were mailed home. The boys could not get enough of looking at that picture and discussing it. Also on that trip we stopped in Richmond at my aunt and uncle’s house, where Uncle Pierre made a ceiling fan in blue tape on their deck. They ran in circles on it until they got dizzy.
Uncle Pierre makes a tape ceiling fan!

Other ways in which the ceiling fan obsession is manifesting itself is in any artwork we do. Finger paint, bath crayons, window markers, they want us to draw ceiling fans with. They also enjoy arranging objects in the shape of a fan, though that can get a little frustrating for them at this point in their developing hand-eye coordination stage.

Welcoming the fan-gazers
The boys' best bud Nick has been away in Scotland for the past month. We've missed him and his mom, but the boys everyone once-in-awhile check with me to make sure that they turned their ceiling fans off before they left. I assure them they did.

We went to a party at our friends’ house the other day, where we found a sign posted on their office door granting exclusive access to the “Dawnklets” (we can get into the reason for the nickname later, or not at all) for them to enjoy optimal fan-viewing.

I’m not sure what will cure the boys of this obsession. Maybe nothing. Maybe they will continue to be enthralled with them and then revolutionize the ceiling fan industry.

Finger paint ceiling fans with Dad

Veggie straw ceiling fan

Attempting to arrange veggie straws to Mom's pattern

Crayon ceiling fans
ceiling fans in  bead necklaces with Cousin Jen
fan-gazing at Uncle A's office


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