
Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Great Falls and Catoctin Creek

There are a lot of nice things about homeschooling, and one of them is that it's easy to take a day off. To celebrate Brian's birthday in October, we took a Wednesday hike on the Virginia side of Great Falls National Park, and then went to a distillery in Purcellville. Great Falls is always a delight, and so close to us. I'm so happy that the boys still love being outside and making adventures wherever they can. They love bounding around the rocks (a little nerve-wracking for us) and climbing up anything they can. We discovered that the Catoctin Creek Distillery makes the best gin we've ever had, and we got an education on the distillery process. 


Great Falls Park on the Virginia side -- I give it 4 shouts! It could be better if it had tables to eat at, but overall a super fun trail along the river.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Family Hike: Harper's Ferry

We took a summer day trip to Harper's Ferry National Park in West Virginia. It was hot. But the day was so much fun, and it was fun to not only show the boys some historic landmarks, but also challenge them to quite a long hike with a breathtaking view. Most of the hike is shaded, so it wasn't too bad. We went all the way to the overlook, where you can stand in Maryland and see into Virginia and West Virginia-- so three states at once. I think the hike would be more pleasant in the spring or fall, but definitely a fun family excursion. Watching the trains and the river-floaters was fun from up high. We all enjoyed ice cream, a picnic dinner, and some wading in the river afterward. The boys turned their wading into all-out swimming and only annoyed a couple fishermen. 

osprey nest on the bridge

Standing in Maryland, looking over West Virginia and Virginia!

My mountain goats

Stacked rocks in foreground, people floating down the river in background