
Friday, October 17, 2014

Fall: Playin' and Pickin' and Farmin' and More

I see that it has been over a month since I last wrote here. I must have three kids and a clean house. Ha! Only the first one is true, I assure you. We've been having a fun fall. I don't have a lot to say about it, or a lot of time before Teddy wakes up and we need to read the same two books over and over...and over, so here are some pictures.

Fall t-ball! Go Mudhens!
Look at that swing.
And the lefty
Hangin' out with Cousin Clara
Big goodbye hug with new friends-- identical twin girls! 
Pizza-makin' with Uncle A
Teddy's feet on a plate, finished pizza...yumm
Before-school astronaut mission with new space suits
Football strategies at the park with Dad
Baby got mulch
Brisk autumn morning walk
Crashing a local pumpkin display
Hockey started!
One of Teddy's first words: hockey! Rink rat watching his brothers
Raspberry pickin'
Mischievous raspberry patch running
Ready to pick some apples!
Everyone knows the best apples are up high.
How many can I eat, Mom?
I picked some good ones, Mom.
All three boys in one shot?! Never mind that none
are looking at the camera-- still an accomplishment
Teddy loves the leaves on his face.
Mommy and Clarky
Any reason to climb a tree is a good one.
Mmmm caramel apples with nuts!
Being pushed around by exuberant friend at the ball field
You have to be secure in your boyhood to be the only boys
at a Frozen princess party. Our Baby Alex turned 4!
Bringing home LOTS of work from kindergarten!
Bein' weird 
Prepping for the big under-the-lights game
Under-the-lights game spectator
Cal's on first-- who's on second?

Little bit muddy...Cal slides into almost every base.

Caught pilfering marshmallows! I really can't explain
Clark's outfit here...
Teddy would like some Cheerios now.
Both boys are obsessed with the same girl. Ironically she is
an identical twin...but that doesn't seem to matter.
(translation: "Clark and Emalyn")
Stealthily, Teddy hides away to dink his milk in peace and quiet.
But he is found out!
Bundled at Mom and Dad's softball game
Snacks on the way home from school
The inevitable noodles with marinara sauce lunch
Operation Destroy Doctor's Room 
I must live with boys.

Checkin' out the sheep with pals Everett and Other Cal
The smell is disconcerting. 

Off to the tractor races!

Best part of the farm for these three: a mobile generator with a hand crank.
Very compelling.

Let's eat this fence while we watch the gigantic cows.

Farmer Ted

Mom, has anyone fed the chickens lately?

Let me just hold down this tractor seat.

Yippee! Fertilizing the crops... or something...
Farming during naptime-- not for the faint of heart.