
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday Thesicle

Days of accidental clothing-matching should be celebrated.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Other Half of Idaho

I've been blog slacking.

About a month ago I wrote about our Idaho surprise and posted some pictures from our first few days there, but thought I'd add some other pictures from the rest of our visit. It was so nice to have that time with my parents, sister, and grandparents. It was also nice for Teddy to have all that time with his grandparents and aunt; it meant that I had so much more brain space than normal. Didn't have to think about the everyday responsibilities that come with keeping three small, moving children alive and well.

I did some reading. I cooked for fun. (what?) I watched Pride and Prejudice with my mom and sister while we wore irrelevant skirts and drank tea. I worked out to an exercise video (yes, a VHS) that we used to work out to when I was like 12 years old, just for kicks. I did a lot of sitting and laughing around a roaring fire by my parents' wood stove. Just relaxing. Stretching. Foot-rubbing. Cat-petting. Striking pensive poses. I even tried to cross country ski for the first time in something like seven years. The result was beautiful scenery and great exercise but did not end well. (See how it ended.)

On the other side of the country my husband and our amazing friends took wonderful care of Cal and Clark. I was wondering how the boys would do in my absence. I missed them-- I'd never been away from them for so long. When they picked me up from the airport they were decidedly indifferent to the fact that I was now with them. Then there was an adjustment phase where I was reintroduced to life with three children by myself all day. They seemed a little put out that we did normal stuff like clean their room and eat sandwiches after having gone to a movie, made mini pizzas, gone duckpin bowling, skating, ate a lot of pizza, ice cream, cheesecake, played a lot of Wii, watched movies, in general were treated like little princes. I think we are now adjusted back to reality.

Here are some pictures from the rest of our Operation Ted Sneak Idaho trip:

Four generations!
Great Grandma eats some little feet.
Walking on Papa

Heading uphill on cross country skis

Teddy had lots of hands eager to feed him.

The scene from my parent's dining room one morning-- that's the frozen
lake out there


Super adorable pygmy owl that hung out for hours one day

Pride and Prejudice watching

Pinkies up!
This was my handmade and hand-painted chair when I was little.

Afternoon snuggles with Aunt Bean

The rocket ship birdhouse Cal and Clark painted for Papa last year

Grandma loves Teddy

and so does Aunt Bean!

Meeting Winnie the horse-- not so sure about her

Meeting Great Aunt Gwen and
Something-or-other once removed Anna, visiting from Ecuador

Little grocery shopping with Grandma

Rocking with Great Grandpa Joe

Making Great Grandma laugh

Teddy found his best friend. Turns out he likes to hang
out in the locker room of Grandma and Papa's gym.

First swimming pool experience was a smashing success!
Soaking up the fire

Me attempting to cross country's been awhile

Out on a walk with Papa

Teddy's friend is also in the Denver airport
after a poop-splosion!

Watching the planes in Denver on the way home

Teddy is now an experienced traveler.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday Thesicle

You can take the girl out of Idaho. 
You can't take Idaho out of the girl. 
But apparently you CAN take cross country skiing skills out of the girl.